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Christmas in Whitchurch


Christmas Refuse collections

The collections over the holiday period will be:
  Friday 19 December
  Monday 29 December with recycling
  Monday 5 January
  Saturday 10 January with recycling
  Friday 16 January



Competition Details & Downloads

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Shop Window Competition

This is open to all shops and businesses in Whitchurch with a "shop window", the competition is judged by the townsfolk and a committee from the Town Council and Working 4 Whitchurch - the prize is the Town Council's Trophy.

Townsfolk who vote will have their entry form included in a prize draw. Votes should be returned to 1 Winchester Street by 5pm 19 December. The entry form is here.

Young Children's Odd One Out Competition

Each participating shop window will contain something out of place. Children up to 6 years old need to spot as many as they can and put their answer on the entry form, which is here (adults are allowed to help out). This will only be visible from outside the shop. Entries should be returned to 1 Winchester Street by 5pm 19 December.

There will be prizes for the most correct answers, in the event of a tie, a draw will be made.

Older Children's Find the Letters Competition

Each participating shop window will contain a letter on a square card. Children from 7 to 12 years old need to spot as many as they can and put the letter against each shop and then create a phrase or saying from the letters. The entry form is here. This will only be visible from outside the shop.

There will be prizes for the most correct answers, in the event of a tie, a draw will be made.

new!Family Christmas Window Decoration Competition

Decorate one of your home’s windows, which is visible from the street, with a creative display for Christmas by 14 December. Full details are here.


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