Title: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: RobDunlop on November 26, 2007, 02:39:45 pm Hi All, just to let you know that we're putting together a plan for another music event on the Testbourne site next year, 'Twang Rocks 2008'.
We're using everything we've learnt from the Twang3 and Testbourne Rocks events we were involved with earlier in 2k7 and we would like, within reason, to build on these events and expand slightly to raise more money for charity. This year we're looking to raise money for the Mityana Appeal and Naomi House. Ideally we're looking to grow the event over a couple of years and build it into something that's not only great for local charities but can also add something to Whitchurch as a whole helping to put it smack on the map where it deserves to be !! However, the last events didn't really involve the town a great deal and that's one thing we want to change. Over the past few weeks we've bounced around a few different ideas and one that seems to stick out is the idea of combing Twang Rocks 2008 with a Carnival and a Fete. The simplistic idea of having a carnival on a bank holiday weekend with the procession leading to the Testbourne Community site where there'd be a large fete/fairground(small)/attractions until the early evening with the rest of the evening being used for the 1st music event. The main music event would be the following day (an all-day event with 2 performance stages). (bear in mind that combining events is just an idea at the moment, hence no real details !!) So, does anyone have any comments/suggestions/ideas ? Do you think the idea of a carnival is a good one ? Do you think the idea of a fete with a small fairground/attractions could work ? Do you think combining the events could work ? (if the carnival was held on a Saturday then the all-day concert may well be on the Sunday. Is this workable or do you think the noise issue would become a problem ?) If so, can anyone recommend someone local with experience in organising carnivals ? (even if the events are combined they would still need separate teams to get them up and running and, in some respects, be organised to function in their own right) Also, as well as the actual event ideas, we're looking for further ideas on how to really involve the town and bring people in who are going to use the town while they are here. We were thinking of using the week/2 weeks leading up to Twang Rocks 2008 and arranging for various acts/bands etc to perform in and around Whitchurch (and maybe the surrounding area). Some of the venues (pubs especially) in Whithcurch do not have the space available to host full bands so we have the option of duos but how about brining in some comedy acts ? Whatever the acts could be, the idea of creating a kind of 'Whitchurch Fringe Festival' sounds like a really good one but we'd also like to find ways we can benefit the local businesses as well as the pubs/venues etc. Any comments/ideas/feedback in this area would be very much appreciated ? The obvious choice here would be for local businesses to support the events and receive advertising in return but we're sure there could be ideas in this area we would not think of so if you have any commments/suggetions regarding this please let them flood out !! To sum up, 'Twang Rocks 2008' will be happening next year. In it's basic form it will be a one-off, all-day charity concert with the best bands from the local area performing to an estimated crowd of around 500 at any one time (obvioulsy we will confirm the legal limitations of the site). BUT, that is just a basic idea. The ideas of using it as part of a larger experience (Carnival, Fete, Fringe Festival) well, how can we all not at least look into this, especially if we can: a: raise a lot of money for charity b: give people a day/2-days/week they'll always remember Whitchurch for c: invlove the whole town and draw in visitors d: give something back to the town in the way of promoting Whitchurch and what it can offer Cheers, Rob. Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: thewhitorg on November 26, 2007, 03:16:19 pm Rob,
This is great, as you know, Helen (PCSO) is trying to get a carnival happening so she is obviously someone to contact Andy Moss, White Hart, and Chris & Jane at the Harvets Home are always up for musical events for "the fringe" as probably The Kings Arms would be but you have contacts there - or have they moved to the Red House? Phil Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: RobDunlop on November 26, 2007, 03:43:05 pm Hi Phil,
How's things ? Thanks for the reply. Craig and Emma from the Red House are looking to run the bars alongside Keith Coomber (?) from Testbourne and I suppose that, if the carnival/fete ideas come to life, they may also be able to help with them. (I have to say that, although my local is the Kings Arms, Craig Roberts is first class behind the bar!) As for the fringe element the Kings Arms, The White Hart, The Harvest Home and The Railway are all definitely available for acts/bands. I'm not sure about the Prince Regent as it's changing hands next week but I'll take a wander up and ask the new Landlord/lady what their views are. As for the Bell and Red House, I'm still thinking maybe going the comedy route due to the space available inside ... however, if noise levels and weather do not become a problem, I'll ask Craig and Emma if they would allow us to use the Car park or the top of the beer garden at the Red House. I've already spoken to Paul Bushell @ Testbourne and we're meeting sometime in January so we can submit a event proposal to 'bid' for one of the annual outside entertainments licences available to Testbourne so I need to get possible ideas for carnival/fete etc up together asap so we can give a fuller picture. Think I'd best give Helen a call :) I'll also get in touch with Hilary Jackson and ask if I can get her views regarding getting the school involved with the fete and possibly holding a 'Battle of the School Bands' (the winners and runners up being offered a slot on the main stage @ Twang 2008 ?). Cheers, Rob. PS This Whitchurch Web seems to be taking off ! Is it ok if I offer links to it form my MySpace/Facebook pages when promoting Twang 2008 ? Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: Harry the Haddock on November 27, 2007, 07:57:26 pm Hi Rob.
After several years of helping with the organisation of the Whitchurch Folk Festival and several years after that fronting the Whitchurch Festival, it's my sad duty to report that Whitchurch residents have never really taken much of an interest in musical events based in the town. :-[ Tale the folk festival for example; when it folded after thirteen years, the locals aid they were sad to see it go. It folded because local people just were'nt interested in attending any of the events. I have the utmost admiration for what you are trying to do with the Testbourne event and wish you the best of luck. Here's a question for you, how many Whitchurch residents know the difference between the Whitchurch Folk Festival and the Whitchurch Festival? Perhaps we should organise a poll and find out! Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: RobDunlop on November 28, 2007, 01:20:46 pm Hi Harry,
thanks for the msg. Very much appreciated. I understand what you're saying about the amount of local interest but I'm hoping that we can find a way to change that ... watch this space ! ;) I've a few memories of the Whitchurch Folk/Rock Festival, mainly of being a young kid and waking up to seeing all the camper vans in the Testbourne playing fields but mainly I remember it because it's no longer there ! (if you get my meaning !?!) But, as you say, the locals were sad to see it go so maybe, just maybe, once the ball gets rolling 2008 could be the wake-up call that heralds a return in the future !?! Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: andrewrampton on November 30, 2007, 01:50:06 pm I would be interested in helping out on any committee that maybe formed with respect to a carnival
email address is [email protected] Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: thewhitorg on November 30, 2007, 04:01:38 pm Rob,
Link away, this thread seems to be getting up a head of steam! Phil Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: RobDunlop on November 30, 2007, 04:59:46 pm Hi Andrew, thanks for the msg.
I'll be in touch. Cheers, Rob. Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: thewhitorg on December 07, 2007, 05:48:45 pm Rob,
It's good to see a bit in the Bas Gaz aboiut the Carneval - it couldn't be because we have a member benellery :D Disappointing to see the negative views of a Town councillor though >:( When you have something to publicise I'll stick it on the web and we can put a piece in Update Phil Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: Graham Burgess on December 09, 2007, 11:16:06 am Rob,
Good man. Remember the key thing and that is to totally ignore the people who find reasons why something should not happen. You made a great success of your last event and I think you have learned you need a team but there needs to be key deciison makers who take initiative based on deep consultation and proper businesslike practice . As Whitchurch livens up we have the danger of a negative correlation namely more events and possibility of competition.Recently Singing for Fun clashed with Gardens Association Christmas party, two quality events but who canbe in two places at the same time ?The Hat Fair in Winchester next summer may stop certain folk coming here so pitch it to avoid that.The Millennium Green can do lots to help in terms of outside venue and we have a very good relationship with Longmeadow on parking. They have some good facilities also.So decide on a good date ASAP so we can start planning and any necessary fund raising. I have mentioned to you The Neighbourhood Rocks concept, the detail of that is with all Council Officers, The Town Steering Group and Glenda O Neil, thanks to Phil Cooper. Positioning of the Rocks could be part of a festival extra-ordinaire. The final blow to The Beer Race was pathetic. As you know the children used to squirt water (an ancient festival activity, in Spain they throw tomatoes all day at one of theirs) and this small boy squirted on the new dress of an upper class dame, not dressed for the beer festival but going out.She happened to know the Chief Constable so great police pressure was brought to bear and one of Whitchurch's oldest traditions went out the window. Remember we have electrical power on the meadow and avery active Events Committee. Graham Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: thewhitorg on December 10, 2007, 08:47:02 am Quote from: Graham Burgess on December 09, 2007, 11:16:06 am ........ Remember we have electrical power on the meadow and avery active Events Committee. I suppose with all the greenery it's still carbon neutral!! :D Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: RobDunlop on December 10, 2007, 02:23:06 pm Hi Graham, thanks for the msg. I heard about the demise of the beer race and that part of the carnival is something that has been mentioned to me several times over the weekend ... what about the beer race ? what about the beer race ? what about the beer race ? ... and not just by recently-turned-18 drinkers; it seems to be the 25 - 30's and over that seem to be showing the same 'loss of tradition' as you mentioned and the support for the idea seems wholly genuine.
... then there's the tug-o-war; something which, I have to admit, I'd not considered until someone mentioned it to me! But, again, there's a lot of tradition there and something else I think should play a part. Here's a thought ... the tug-o-war as part of, or an end to, an It's-a-knockout tournament ! Could this be something we could hold on the Millenium Meadow as a separate event ? Regarding your idea for the 'Neighbourhood Rocks' is this a 100% go-er ? If so, maybe the carnival route could be designed to pass by them and the Mayor/Mayoress or Carnival King/Queen/Prince/Princess could officialy decalre them 'open' as the procession passes by ? ..... ?? Cheers, Rob. Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: thewhitorg on December 10, 2007, 09:51:22 pm Rob,
"Neighbourhood Rocks" is one of the Town Centre Improvement Projects that are being tackled in a "let's do the easy ones first" order. The e.office came first. Paint your Town and the town's brochures are next. Given the limited resource available and the fact that the money is to be spent between now and mid 2009, consideration of other projecs is not going to start until early next year. The chances of any rocks being in place by next summer are on the (very) low side. I would go for the "art of the possible" first and let the event grow, as I'm sure it will based on the activities you've already mentioned, the concert and the procession with such extras as the beer race as you can find volunteers to take on. Each of those activities will need a team in themselves. It might be worth getting an initial "event committee" meeting to see who turns up - you may get lots of verbal support but it's only when people turn up and volunteer to take responsibility for bits of the overall event that you can start to plan in detail. As part of Working4Whitchurch, I would suggest meeting in a pub - no fees for the room and no doubt those taking part will support the business! With firm plans (and nameed people/organisations) you can start going for sponsorship and participants (as Twang and Testbourne Rocks have done). Then organisations such as the Town Council will listen and lend support. Working4Whitchurch (the business association + Update + thewhitchurchweb will give you every support in getting up and running - and who knows - other groups may follow. Phil Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: kot on December 10, 2007, 10:52:00 pm Quote from: RobDunlop on December 10, 2007, 02:23:06 pm Hi Graham, thanks for the msg. I heard about the demise of the beer race and that part of the carnival is something that has been mentioned to me several times over the weekend ... what about the beer race ? what about the beer race ? what about the beer race ? ... and not just by recently-turned-18 drinkers; it seems to be the 25 - 30's and over that seem to be showing the same 'loss of tradition' as you mentioned and the support for the idea seems wholly genuine. I remember the Beer Race well - and still cherish a medal for our team of six Prison Convicts who won the "Most Raised for Charity Award" in what I think might have been the very last edition. It was nigh on 20 years ago, yet the race is still remembered with some fondness. A few of us have been asked several times to run it again after the previous organisers pulled the plug, but despite a lot of nostalgic enthusiasm there are still some strong detractors in the Town, and of course liability issues are much to the fore these days� >:( I'm guessing that's what the Councillor was hinting at in the local rag. Instead we hope to be launching a Whitchurch Pub Trail next year based on the CAMRA leaflet. The exact details are still being worked on but hope it will be in a Passport form. The key is that completion can only be by visiting all the participating pubs. A purchase will be necessary in order to gain a stamp/signature. This helps pub trade as well as providing enjoyment. Various prizes would be available. We have potential sponsors to approach. The main difference to the Beer Race is that it can be completed over a longer period than one boozy evening (which would have the inevitable accusations of binge drinking). There may also be various awards for completion once, twice, ten times and so on! It is a well-tried and successful formula benefitting pub users and the trade alike. An alternative is a Pub Treasure Hunt, again being worked on. The launch is provisionally to be in Community Pubs Week but it is planned to be an ongoing project in support of Community Pubs so may start at another time. If your excellent Carnival idea gets off the ground a Special Carnival Edition could be produced with special prizes for completion during the Week. The passport concept could be extended to include all businesses in the Town that supported the Carnival, not just pubs. kot Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: thewhitorg on December 11, 2007, 11:40:54 am Quote from: thewhitorg on December 10, 2007, 09:51:22 pm ............and who knows - other groups may follow. Phil Quote from: kot on December 10, 2007, 10:52:00 pm If your excellent Carnival idea gets off the ground a Special Carnival Edition could be produced with special prizes for completion during the Week. The passport concept could be extended to include all businesses in the Town that supported the Carnival, not just pubs. kot Is that an offer to organise part of the Carnival, John??? Phil Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: CrowsNest on December 13, 2007, 12:14:45 pm Kot, Half the pubs have gone now - I to remember the beer race with fondness.
Title: Re: Twang Rocks 2008 Post by: kot on December 14, 2007, 08:10:08 pm Quote from: CrowsNest on December 13, 2007, 12:14:45 pm Kot, Half the pubs have gone now - I to remember the beer race with fondness.� Did you ever compete? I think two pubs have closed since the last race - the Yeoman (I used to live behind it) and the Old Brewery. I suspect that we may see more closures in the not too distant future, particularly as pub chains/owners continue to cash in on residential property prices. Whitchurch has pubs believed to be at high risk. Research shows that an incredible 56 pubs are closing each month. What is most concerning is that pubs do not have to gain a planning application change of use to turn into pizza parlour, ethnic restaurant or even a MacDonalds. The loss of a pub is the loss of a community's heart. To help stem the destruction of our heritage CAMRA is running the Community Pubs Week in February which gives local pubs the opportunity to link in to a major initiative with free national advertising of events, free promotional material and free competitions. There is also the Whitchurch Pub Guide website at http://www.whitchurchpubguide.org.uk/ as well as the associated downloadable leaflet which is regularly updated. It has also set up the Community Pubs Foundation and has developed a Pub Viability Test for when closures are announced. One of the best well known pub sayings was by Hilaire Belloc - "when you have lost your inns drown your empty selves for you will have lost the last of England". Nearly 100 years on, those words have never been so relevant :( But this thread is drifting and is really about Rob's excellent Twang initiative. Let's hope the pubs take the opportunities to make the most of what that exciting event can offer.
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