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Graham Burgess
Symbolism fills my life and I am particularly sensitive to eleven, the period of sunspot activity in years.(11.1 years actually) Cerebral as this is I always seek to enjoy it when it is used in a practical mode. Like most I have 33 vertebrae�  , all the windows in my home are 111 cms across. There is another area where I do enjoy the number 11 and that is when I eat the bacon sold to me by our local butcher John Dennett. I suppose I could buy 11 rashers (I bought eight last time, very rash of me) but you can actually have them cut to the thickness you desire. I don't think any other place around here does that. Thats what I call personal service.He can set his slicing machine to the number you require. Its not millimetres, what it is� is a mystery to me but I like that.Try the eleven setting. One more reason to support a local shop.� 
Graham Burgess
Harry, You must think of your carbon footprint. All that extra cutting by John and then when you have put it on your plate extra cutting. What is the world coming to. Graham
Harry the Haddock

Posts: 3
The "No.4 cut", being thinner than the "11" takes far less energy to fry or grill, leaving the polar ice caps intact for a longer time. Anyway, whatever your preferred thickness, John's bacon beats the pre-packed stuff hands down every time. 
Jr. Member

Posts: 58
The "No.4 cut", being thinner than the "11" takes far less energy to fry or grill, leaving the polar ice caps intact for a longer time. Anyway, whatever your preferred thickness, John's bacon beats the pre-packed stuff hands down every time.  and don't forget the meat - the beef takes some beating!!
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