Whitchurch Parish Hall

October 2008

Hall Re-opens


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State of Play

Grand re-opening

11th October

Sir George Young presided over the reopening of the Hall; the Mayor Peter Williams, County Councillor, John Maxwell, and Borough Councillor, Keith Watts, were also on hand to celebrate the occasion together with a Hall full of Whitchurch residents.

Sir George and Gill Webb, Chair of the Parish Hall Committee paid thanks to all who had helped by physical work, fund raising or even providing parking space for the skip to hold the rubbish that was cleared form the Hall.

The John Maxwell provided provided £2,000 from County Council Funds and Whitchurch Town Council has given a grant of £500 to the work done to date. The remainder of the funding has come as a result of the efforts of Bill Judge and his fund raising campaign.

There is still work to be done and more funds are required to continue the good work which has brought the hall back into use. To book the Hall contact Ruth Wigmore on 893512.


The toilet floors have been replaced and new toilets and wash basins installed. It only remains for them to be redecorated.

The major job of repainting the internal walls has been completed by Bill Judge and Rod Clark and an impressive new wooden dado rail is being installed all round the hall. Curtains and blinds will be fitted to allow the hall to be used for events such as film shows.

The kitchen will be refitted prior to the reopening planned for 11 October.

Already 2 weekly bookings have been agreed in principle which will allow the Whitchurch Youth Project Tuesday Club and a new Friday night drop in centre to be established.

August - Repairs

The Parish Hall Committee decided on 31st July 2008 to go ahead with the repairs to the fabric of the building caused by the leaking external downpipe.

This work will cost around £10,000 and take all the funds available at the time of the decision. The work would completely replace the joists, floors and internal walls in the toilet area and install new ladies' and gents' toilets. At the same time Bill Judge and Rod Clarke are redecorating the inside and outside of the hall. An application for 50% funding is to be made to the SEEDA funded Paint Your Town Scheme and an application for £500 will be made to Whitchurch Town Council to support the project.

The aim is to have the Hall usable by October 2008.

Unfortunately further damage to the hall has been discovered during the investigation, luckily this just the flooring in the kitchen area and should cost less than £1,000. It is planned to undertake this work after the Hall opens.

So funds are urgently required to get the Hall back to provide the facilities it has done for the Town for over 100 years. Bill Judge has produced the first of what is planned to be a periodic newsletter. This includes a plea for donations. The form to donate is here or just drop in to Gladstones.