New Members - We were joined by Brockenhurst, Serenity Health & Beauty and Somerfield representatives and hear via Stewart P that Tesco too want to support the initiative.

But we need YOU too!! (Please email [email protected] or leave a message for Stewart Parrington at the Town Hall (892107)

Website - Most present have used the Yahoo list to access notes, presentations, a couple also have registered and use the bulletin board to air their ideas.

Retailers � Whitchurch Association can provide you with a �we�re supporting Christmas in Whitchurch A3 or A4 colour poster shortly. BUT�we need your window display to also feature gifts that local people and visitors can buy from your shop.

Equipment - A source for brackets, trees, lights (and potentially the fixing thereof well advanced. Anticipated costs (excl fitting) circa �20 � Looks like OK re Conservation area � nothing different is planned to the precedents already set elsewhere in B&DBC e.g. Overton.

Empty Shops � David G (Brockenhurst) advises they have the keys for the empty (ex Ashfield Shop) � access potentially possible (will check with owners) for such as �proposed Guides Christmas posters (Cari S). Also hope of near term sale of the unit and also an offer is understood to be on the table for the Beehive (a retailer)

For a Stress Free Christmas � shop locally in Whitchurch � This was the strap line suggested by John B to promote Christmas in Whitchurch (or The Whitchurch Christmas!!) YOUR Votes count � decision at next weeks meeting!!! Hope is that the first issue of theWhitchurchweb quarterly newsletter can launch early Dec. Sponsors and advertisers ESPECIALLY welcomed plus short articles needed on your shop or Group (Limited space available - call John on 07963 237619 SPACE is FREE to local traders supporting Christmas in Whitchurch/The Whitchurch Christmas

Publicity � there will be lots and lots including a special section on, in the next (Dec) Parish magazine, on Posters, at the Town Entry points, courtesy (potentially) of Brockenhurst including via their adverts in the Basingstoke Gazette and Andover advertiser plus editorial to the Press and local Radio stations. Initial Press Release issued to Basingstoke Gazette and Andover Advertiser 19th October (THANK YOU� BROCKENHURST� any more want to follow suit and offer prizes/cashes or in kind help?)

Two Special Dress Up and Multiple Event Days � much more work to do, questions to answer etc., but we look to be on track for locally staged, but Christmas in Whitchurch branded events from 26th Nov to the New Year. 3rd Dec (Santa visits the Mill!) and 17th December likely to be the main focus with several carefully timed events on both days. SATURDAY 3rd December also likely to be �lights switch on day circa 4pm � also the time when those attending will be able to pick up such as Photo competition entry forms and Children�s Treasure Hunt (find clues in participating shop windows) entry forms.

Actions Being Followed up for next meeting (1st Nov Town Hall 6.30pm)

The key words to go on posters (see the pathetic author�s suggestion at the foot of this update as your starter for TEN you�ve got to be able to do better!) Fire Station, Salvation Army AND ladies Singing for Fun support being sought. Media Distribution � we hope Churches Together can help David C kindly following this up. How to involve/engage Whitchurch Youth? (Cllr Jackman and Youth Project teams to be counselled). Possibility of mulled wine, roast chestnuts and Mince Pies in the Town Square (Somerfields and Over the Shoulder we hope � fingers crossed!). White Hart to be approached initially, as they are on the square, re special �Family Christmas meal deal� especially on 3rd and 17th Dec but hopefully throughout.Anyone else out there want to offer something?It will help boost your trade on the day!


Details of your event please now URGENTLY needed for inclusion on the Christmas in Whitchurch calendar (and potential leaflet). Details please to Phil Cooper: (Tel 893264). Of course, you don�t need to change anything with your event, but we ask you simply to add to your publicity material �part of Christmas in Whitchurch 2005�


Apologies if there is, but please be sure to let Stewart P or Tony C know!


Everyone welcome to come along to the Town Hall at 6.30pm on Tue 1 November. Meantime keep up to date via���


Here are some possible words we just need an inviting Christmassy Whitchurch image!!!

Christmas in Whitchurch 2005 or The Whitchurch Christmas 2005�

Have a stress free Christmas and support your LOCAL Community and Traders

Shop Locally�gifts of every kind luxury or stocking filler

Check out the list of local Christmas Events on

Competitions for all ages including a Treasure Trail for Children

3rd December - See Santa at the Silk Mill (time) Watch the big switch on (time)

17th Dec - Listen to the Choirs and Music