
Posts: 4
Yes, those brainy experts want to stop motorists from smoking whilst driving because it distracts the driver and he/she needs both hands on the steering wheel to drive properly.
Now, I'm all for better driving, in fact some people just shouldn't be anywhere near a motor vehicle, but stopping smokers from lighting-up will in my opinion have a detrimental effect on their driving style.
I used to drive and smoke myself, and I did it to calm down, to relax my mind and to generally make me happy and content. It's similar to using a mobile phone I suppose, it just has to be done and with practice a good motorist will have all the skills to be able to multi task without any problems.
Of course there's some drivers who have trouble with their lippy, their shaving, their coffee and other general in-car activities, but smoking means they will have to stop at the side of the road with all the mobile phone users to complete those all important everyday tasks.
Now, I'm only sticking up for smokers because I see smoking in the car no more distracting than changing a CD, or flipping stations on the radio. Removing a pesky wasp can generally cause multi-car pile-ups, and scratching that persistent itch is a job well worth doing even at 70mph!
Of course doing the usual tasks like changing gear, adjusting the wipers and turning the lights on and off can be classed as distractions but not half as bad as disciplining a 'hatchling' of excitable, 'orrible brats that must be controlled as other motorists are complaining of the noise and commotion.
A baby in a carrycot is fine and wonderful until mealtime or when they need to tell mum they're not happy and need immediate attention whilst mummy is negotiating Hyde Park corner or the outside lane of the M3 motorway at peak madness time, twice a day.
Are you getting my drift now? How smoking is far from the most important thing that needs looking at in the whole world of things to do, at this moment in time and space.
There are other priorities that are far more important but as smoking is seen as the 'fire of the devil' at the moment some chinless beurocrat is looking for a feather to put in his/her cap with election time coming up in the near future no doubt.
Vote these useless idiots out now I say, let's get back to reality if we can remember what it was? Wink