Catalogue of UK Seed & Plant Mail Order Suppliers

Catalogue of UK Vegetable Seed and Plant Suppliers by Mail Order

(Some suppliers appear in more than one category)
Exhibition Vegetables
Heritage Vegetables

General Seeds

Many are small suppliers, without a web site and/or e-mail. They can offer a very good specialist service, but because they are small, quite often ask for a stamped addressed envelope or stamps for their catalogues.

Only limited information is given where suppliers have their own website, this is to ensure that the information is as current as possible

The presence of a supplier in this catalogue is not a recommendation

If there are mistakes in any of the entries, or you think other suppliers should be included, please contact

Please note, suppliers of gardening supplies are not included, neither are garden centres, except where they offer specific seeds or plants by mail order

Last update 17th November 2006

This website was built in Whitchurch, Hampshire


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