Potato Mail Order Sources
These suppliers offer 30 or more varieties of potato, other suppliers which offer less and are to be found on the vegetable page
Potato Days | |
thewhitchurchweb.org/potatoday/potatodays Offering: List of Potato Days held between late Jan and early Mar at which over 100 varieties are available. Individual tubers can be bought to allow you to try a new (or old) variety without buying a whole allotment's worth. The only advert on the site - The biest selection is at the Hampshire Potato Day, around 150 varieties! These are not mail order and are open for one or two day events. They offer by far the widest selection of potatoes available in the country | |
DT Brown | |
| Bury Road, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7PR Tel: 0845 1662275 fax: 0845 1662283 Website: www.dtbrownseeds.co.uk Offering: flowers and vegetables seed & plant catalogue, potatoes ~ 30 non-organic varieties List/catalogue: On-line illustrated catalogue and ordering |
Castlemill Seed Potatoes | |
Westfield,Castleton Road, Auchterarder, Perthshire PH3 1AJ Tel: 01764 662930 Offering: Potatoes ~ 30 non-organic varieties List/catalogue: SAE for descriptive list Not open to visitors | |
Charlton Park Garden Centre | |
Charlton Road, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 8EP Tel: 01235 772700 fax: 01235 760414 Website: www.charlton-park.co.uk Offering: Potato - ~150 non-organic varieties 28 organic Bulk sales for farmers and groups runner beans, broad beans, peas, organic List/catalogue: on-line ordering See website for opening hours | |
GM & EA Innes | |
Oldtown, Newmachar, Aberdeenshire AB21 7PR Tel: 01651 862333 fax: 01651 862333 Offering: Veg: Potatoes - ~80 non-organic varieties List/catalogue: SAE for list Not open to visitors | |
Kings Seeds | |
Monks Farm, Kelvedon, Colchester, Essex CO5 9PG Tel: 01376 570000 fax: 01376 571189 Website: www.kingsseeds.com Offering: General seed & plant catalogue green manures potatoes - 34 non-organic varieties organic sweet pea List/catalogue: On-line illustrated catalogue and ordering (and very informative free printed catalogue) Not open to visitors | |
Organic Gardening Catalogue | |
Riverdene Business Park, Molesey Road, Hersham, Surrey, KT12 4RG Tel: 01932 253666 fax: 01932 252707 Website: www.organiccatalogue.com Offering: General seed & plant catalogue green manures potatoes - 11 non-organic varieties 28 organic & 8 heritage microplants organic List/catalogue: On-line illustrated catalogue and ordering 10% discount to HDRA members Open for collection of orders only (5% discount) | |
Shelley Seeds | |
5 Speedwell Close, Chester CH3 6DX | |
Tamar Organics | |
Tavistock Woodlands Estate, Gulworthy, Tavistock, Devon PL19 8DE Tel: 01822 834887 fax: 01822 834284 Website: www.tamarorganics.co.uk Offering: Seeds, Organic general wildflowers potatoes - 39 varieties all organic Bulk sales for farmers and groupsand herbs List/catalogue: On-line list off-line ordering Not open to visitors | |
Thompson & Morgan | |
Poplar Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3BU Tel: 01473 695200 fax: 01473 680199 Website:www.thompson-morgan.com Offering: General seed & plant catalogue green manures potatoes - 53 non-organic varieties Don''t believe all the "exclusive" or "introduced by" labels, the Potato Days have nearly all the varieties (and, in some cases, had them before T&M) List/catalogue: On-line illustrated catalogue and ordering Not open to visitors | |
Tuckers Seeds | |
Brewery Meadow, Stonepark, Ashburton, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ13 7DG Tel: 01364 652233 fax: 01364 654211 Website:http://www.edwintucker.com Offering: Seeds, General potatoes - 81 non-organic varieties 40 organic & 11 heritage microplants Bulk sales for farmers and groups organic wildflowers List/catalogue: On-line catalogue (best downloaded) off-line ordering See website for details of opening times |
Links last checked 12 Sep 2005