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Topic: Evening buses cut (Read 1441 times)
Daniel, Your suggestion of combining the 76 and 8 routes, in the evenings at least, do seem to be logical. Phil
Phil, I suspect that it comes down to money. How much would Stagecoach loose if they did what was logical ;-)
I think there is a good case for a separate Passenger Transport Forum as suggested by John B, including: � drawing in new people who are dependent on or enthusiasts for public transport � recognition by public authorities and county or regional PT Fora � aiming for mass membership - not compatible with Section Status in WA. � possibly extending its membership to Laverstoke & Overton who share bus and rail routes with us
best wishes
There may be various forums available to discuss transport issues but it is very clear that no one is listening to the needs and suggestions of users, hence my suggestion for a local Passenger Transport Forum/ Users Group (or somesuch name). Consultation with users, whether by local authorities, elected representatives or service providers is seriously lacking, and communication streams seem non-existent. Initiatives like Save the 76, and single-issue petitions only go so far, but those of us who rely on and support public transport know the problems go much wider with a multitude of deeper issues. But its not just the 76. We must not forget the 86 Winchester service, the Community Bus, the Cango services, School Buses, Coaches, Taxis, and of course South West Trains. Then there are the other options such as Car-Sharing, Bike Pools, and Car Clubs. All have important places in providing transport solutions for a local community. But no one consults with, or listens to the Users, least of all any of those who makes the decisions, and who also spend our taxes. Neither do the providers talk to each other, resulting in a hotch-potch of services that the User only discovers once introduced - or when a service is removed. Just a few examples the type of questions that might arise are: - 1. Why won't Stagecoach Buses sell child return fares before 9am?
- 2. Why cannot you buy a Family GroupSave ticket from the railway station when it is closed, without a risk of Penalty Fares?
- 3. Why cannot more that three days notice be given of fare increases?
- 4. Why won't National ExPress stop at Whitchurch (they used to)?
- 5. Where is a comprehensive timetable available in the Town Centre?
(the latter is something I am considering setting up as a web-based resource for others to link to) ...and so on and so on!
My proposal was for a Public Meeting/Workshop (Passenger Transport Forum) to be a focus for those who rely on and regularly use PT, and also as a means of determining what issues concern local people the most and how they might be addressed. I suggest that this ties in closely to, and feeds into, the B&DBC review that Keith refers to. I do not believe the WA Action Plan is the way to go - at least not initially. Their priorities should be HGVs, congestion, parking, and similar highway based activities. This is a very different kettle of fish. A Passenger Transport Forum would be a separate, public-driven, highly-focussed, campaign group made up by users who want to be heard and their needs addressed. It could also link in to others who are also on the same routes who are affected, for example Overton. I'm one of those Users. A car-free family by choice, and on most days my family and I use several trains, buses, cycles, and walking to move around the area. This is for both business and leisure. But it all needs to join up and at the moment it doesn't. And worse of all - no one communicates! If anyone would like help to progress this please be in touch. 01256 892650 / 07963 237619 [email protected]John B
Hero Member

Posts: 45
I would have thought that the review by BDBC could be used to push Stagecoach in the right direction - if the subsidy were made provisional upon the joining of the routes for the week day evening journeys - how do we inject this into BDBC's thinking Keith?
If you are expecting great things to come of your call for those interested to be in touch then I fear you may be disappointed. What practcal steps do you propose to set up the forum?, which for some reason falls outside the remit of the WA which aims, inter alia, to "Promote the benefit of the inhabitants of� the parish of Whitchurch and the surrounding hamlets of Litchfield, Woodcott, Tufton, Dunley and Hurstbourne Priors ... ". Why those benefits are limited to some aspects of transport and not others I'm not not quite sure. I believe somewhere on the web there may be blueprints for the construction of round objects that can be used on vehicles (these may save time in the reinvention process!)
Hero Member

Posts: 45
e-mail from Maria.
I have just received this email and invited Maria to joint the board
There is no one who understands the plight of passengers, better than bus users themselves. We experience the anxiety and frustration of wasted journeys, journeys fraught with unpleasant incidents and rudeness.
Those who make the decisions for us do not consider us. I am sure that they have never used a public bus service. If they were to do so, by using the very buses we have to use, for a year, it would give them sufficient time to experience all the grief we have to endure. I can guarantee that only then, would the situation change drastically overnight.
I have retained for future reference, letters written during the last few years, outlining incidents and grievances I have experienced. Letters addressed to Stagecoach, my MP, local Councillor, The Andover Advertiser and various other relevant personnel, who have done nothing to make the situation better for us. In fact some have not even had the decency to acknowledge these letters. Could a meeting be arranged, whereby we, the passengers who have no other means of transport, can make our point by giving our personal experiences to you first hand. After all, we are the discriminated casualties of a dying service.
(e-mail from Maria). There is no one who understands the plight of passengers, better than bus users themselves.� We experience the anxiety and frustration of wasted journeys, journeys fraught with unpleasant incidents and rudeness.� Those who make the decisions for us do not consider us. I am sure that they have never used a public bus service.
Oh how true. Could a meeting be arranged, whereby we, the passengers who have no other means of transport, can make our point by giving our personal experiences to you first hand.� After all, we are the discriminated casualties of a dying service.
Maria, give me a call on 01256 892650 or e-mail me, [email protected]. I am hoping that just such a meeting can be arranged in the Autumn. There are already several people interested. Someone needs to listen to the Users. John B
Hero Member

Posts: 45
I've just received a copy of an HCC letter to the Town Council with a questionnaire dated 20 June and a response date of 20 Aug, I�m asking for a delay.
Strangely (given our current thread), the letter saying that HCC is "carrying out a scrutiny review of the effectiveness of passenger transport service in meeting community needs".
The questionnaire is below - question 1 is very apposite!!!
The 'Transport in the Community' scrutiny review group is interested in your views about the following questions.
1. How does public opinion feed into the monitoring and review of subsidised bus services and community transport, in Basingstoke and Deane? (The review group is interested in the extent to which the public has a voice in the ongoing monitoring and review of subsidised transport services. This may have involved you in one or more of the following: customer feedback surveys, comments or complaints systems, focus groups, annual evaluation, service development planning etc. The group is also interested in your views about the strengths and weaknesses of getting your voice heard)
2. What partnership working is taking place in Basingstoke and Deane in relation to responding to gaps between identified transport needs and current service provision, including when these are cross boundary? (The scrutiny of transport in the community is looking at what progress is being� �made by Hampshire County Council and partners in identifying and dealing with gaps in passenger transport services in respect of their ability to meet community needs; those needs would include being able to access healthcare, employment, education and training, shopping and leisure. To undertake this, working with partner organisations and community groups is essential. The review group is interested in being clearer about what partnership working you have been involved in, or know about, as well as your views about this )
3. Are there particular population groups, associated with age, disability etc or economic groupings such as job seekers and young people in training, for whom addressing gaps is problematic? (The review group is aware that there has been a Hampshire County Council initiated review of the community's different needs for transport in Basingstoke and Deane. What the group would like your help in understanding better is whether there are particular groups in the local population for whom bridging the gaps presents a challenge; and if you think that there are, what these challenges might be, and how you see them being dealt with)
4. Are commercial and non commercial transport services (such as rail, bus, coach, community and demand responsive transport, and Hampshire County Council transport) co-ordinated in your area? (The review group is interested in what could be done to achieve more effective use of different kinds of passenger transport, for example to avoid empty seats, overlapping services etc. It assumes that there is work ongoing in respect of this and is looking to find out how well this coordination works, from your point of view. The group would also be interested in any views you have about how this could be improved).
The document has been scanned to produce the above, I hope there are no errors in it.
Any input from anyone??
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 02:52:37 pm by thewhitorg »
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